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05th May 2021

Flooring Industry News April 2021

Written by jonathon bright
ambiance vinyl flooring

Welcome to our news round-up for April 2021 – a great way to keep up to date with all the latest news, views and commentary for the flooring industry and business owners. To keep on top of all the latest industry news why not follow our LinkedIn account – we always post interesting news stories and article links on our page.

Government announces £20 million SME Brexit Support Fund

“ On Thursday 11 February 2021, the Government announced a £20 million SME Brexit Support fund.

The fund will support small and medium sized businesses in adjusting to new customs, rules of origin, and VAT rules when trading with the EU. As part of the Brexit Taskforce, we have lobbied for additional support for small businesses.

Mike Cherry, National Chair, welcomed the news:

‘Today’s announcement is very significant. Small businesses, often with few cash reserves, are for the first time facing complex new customs processes, VAT requirements and rules of origin. While many have come to FSB for help, we have been asking for proper financial assistance of this scale, so that a cash-strapped small business can afford to buy-in expertise, training and practical support. The new fund will make a significant difference, and we are pleased that Ministers have really engaged with us on this, and come up with an excellent response.’ “

The full article and further links to more details on the HMRC website can be found on the FSB website.

Get coronavirus tests for your employees

The UK Government promoted the deadline for businesses to order free rapid lateral flow tests.

The announcement can be found on the Gov.UK website.

Flowcrete has now launched what it says is the latest in liquid screed technology

The Contract Flooring Journal reported on new product development from Flowcrete:

“Following extensive research and development and what’s described as a rigorous testing programme, Flowcrete has now launched what it says is the latest in liquid screed technology to the specification sector – Isocrete Flowing K.

Says the company: ‘Building on more than 50 years of sector experience, the new system brings all the benefits of the market leading Isocrete K-Screed – the product of choice for architects, specifiers and contractors on some of the UK’s largest and most prestigious projects – in a completely new flowing format to offer next generation capabilities underfoot. Offering compelling speed of application benefits, less waste and exceptional strength, Isocrete Flowing K is applied through Flowcrete’s licensed contractor network. Its unique formulation allows the system to be trafficked in as little as 24 hours, depending on site conditions.’ “

The full report can be found on the CFJ website.

88% footfall jump on re-opening

The Stocklists reported on the impact of relaxing of lockdown restrictions for the retail trade.

“UK retail footfall jumped 88% last week as high street businesses in England and Wales were allowed to reopen doors for the first time in months.
According to researchers Springboard, UK retail footfall rose 87.8% week-on-week. Annually, footfall was up more than four-fold.

However, Springboard noted that despite last week’s big improvement, footfall is still down 25% from two years earlier. In high streets, footfall is down 35% from two years ago, while in shopping centres, it is down 28%. In retail parks, the decline was just 2.0%.”

Full details can be found on The Stocklists website.

Restart Grants start for flooring retailers

The Stocklists reported on the first Restart Grants beginning to be paid:

 “The first Restart Grants of up to £6,000 are beginning to be paid out to retailers this week , after some delays in the system due to new fraud checking procedures.

Non-essential retail businesses occupying premises with a rateable value of £15,000 or less will receive a payment of £2,667, while those with a value of between £15,000 and less than £51,000 will receive a grant of £4,000. Grants of £6,000 will be paid to non-essential retail businesses with a rateable value of over £51,000.

The scheme is being administered by local authorities and Birmingham City Council has been one of the first to go live with the programme, Jonathan Woodward, head of revenues, said: “Upon receiving the funding from government, we have been required to undertake additional assurance checks before paying the grants.”

Full details can be found on The Stocklists website.


We hope you enjoyed our flooring industry news roundup. We have a huge luxury vinyl flooring range which can be found on this link.

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